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Protecting Your Rights And Well-Being Following A Brain Injury In Ohio

Serious brain injuries are often life-altering and can cause significant disruption in daily living. It is vital to immediately obtain proper medical attention to prevent and ease worsening symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, and memory loss. Our trusted Ohio brain injury attorney can help to fight for your rights following an accident-related brain injury.

The causes of serious brain injuries are far-reaching and can occur via motor vehicle accidents, unsafe property conditions, incidents in hospitals or nursing homes, and even at the workplace. Just as it is important to immediately seek emergency medical attention, it is also important to understand your rights when another’s negligent conduct causes you to suffer a brain injury.

At Karp Steiger, our group of attorneys is aware of how serious brain injuries can dramatically alter your life and take a toll on loved ones. We patiently work with brain injury victims to fully understand their injuries and the accidents that lead to such injuries.

From there, we investigate the facts of the case and offer practical solutions geared towards helping our clients best cope with the stresses arising from these traumatic injuries. We proudly handle a wide array of brain injury claims, such as hematoma, hemorrhage, concussion, edema, skull fracture, and any other brain-related injuries.

Quick Summary

  • Brain injuries result from external forces, like car accidents or falls, and can vary in severity.
  • Types of brain injuries include traumatic brain injuries (TBI), concussions, contusions, penetrating injuries, acquired brain injuries (ABI), and anoxic and hypoxic brain injuries.
  • Common causes of brain injuries include car accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, nursing home abuse, construction accidents, medical malpractice, explosions, and contact sports.
  • Brain injuries can lead to memory problems and various effects, such as muscle control issues, seizures, sensory losses, and mood swings.
  • Immediate medical attention, treatment, and documentation are crucial after a brain injury.
  • In Ohio, the statute of limitations for brain injury claims is typically two years, but it varies in wrongful death cases.
  • Establishing negligence is vital in brain injury claims, involving a duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages.
  • Compensation for brain injury claims may cover economic damages like medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering, mental distress, and reduced quality of life.

From there, we investigate the facts of the case and offer practical solutions geared towards helping our clients best cope with the stresses arising from these traumatic injuries. We proudly handle a wide array of brain injury claims, such as hematoma, hemorrhage, concussion, edema, skull fracture, and any other brain-related injuries.

Our compassionate personal injury lawyers will work tirelessly to protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. Contact Karp Steiger, today for a free consultation, and let us help you on the path to recovery.

What Is A Brain Injury?

A brain injury can happen when a strong external force hits the head or body, like in a car crash or a fall down the stairs. The impact can cause different levels of harm. Smaller injuries might get better quickly, but a serious brain injury can have long lasting effects on the brain or even be fatal.

What Are The Different Types Of Brain Injuries?

Brain injuries can happen in various ways, and they can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Below are the different types of brain injuries, from mild to severe, to help you grasp the various ways these injuries can occur and the potential consequences they may bring.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Traumatic brain injuries, often referred to as TBIs, are the result of a sudden and forceful blow or jolt to the head. They can occur in accidents such as car crashes, falls, or sports-related incidents.

TBIs vary in severity, with mild cases often causing temporary confusion and headaches, while severe cases may lead to long-term cognitive and physical impairments.


Concussions are a common form of mild TBI. They typically occur after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, causing the brain to move within the skull. Concussions can lead to symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and memory problems.

It’s essential to seek medical attention if you suspect a concussion, as repeated concussions can have more severe consequences.


Brain contusions are bruises on the brain’s surface and are usually caused by a direct impact on the head. They can lead to symptoms such as loss of consciousness, nausea, and difficulty speaking. Severe contusions may require surgical intervention to reduce pressure on the brain.

Penetrating Injuries

Penetrating brain injuries occur when an object pierces the skull and damages brain tissue. These injuries often result from accidents involving sharp objects or gunshot wounds. Penetrating injuries are typically severe and can lead to significant neurological deficits.

Acquired Brain Injuries (ABIs)

Acquired brain injuries, or ABIs, are not caused by external trauma but rather by internal factors. They can result from conditions like strokes, infections, or oxygen deprivation. Strokes, for instance, occur when blood flow to the brain is blocked, leading to brain cell damage.

Infections, such as encephalitis, can cause inflammation and damage to the brain. Oxygen deprivation during childbirth can also result in ABI, leading to conditions like cerebral palsy.

Anoxic Brain Injuries

Anoxic brain injuries occur when the brain is deprived of oxygen. This can happen in situations like near-drowning incidents or cardiac arrest. Without adequate oxygen, brain cells can die within minutes, leading to severe cognitive and physical impairments.

Hypoxic Brain Injuries

Hypoxic brain injuries occur when the brain receives insufficient oxygen for an extended period. This can result from conditions like choking or carbon monoxide poisoning. The gradual oxygen deprivation in hypoxic injuries can lead to a range of symptoms, from memory problems to difficulty with coordination.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Brain Injuries?

Brain injuries can happen due to various accidents, and many times, it’s because someone didn’t act responsibly. This is where our team of Ohio brain injury attorneys come in to help. We often help people with brain injuries caused by common accidents like these:

  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Bicycle and pedestrian accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Nursing home abuse and neglect
  • Construction and workplace accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Explosions
  • Contact sports

What Are The Effects Of A Brain Injury?

Memory problems are a big challenge after a brain injury. It affects how your brain takes in, keeps, and brings back information. Often, it’s the short-term memory that takes a hit, making it hard to remember recent things like what just happened in a TV show or the details from a few pages back in a book.

While you might still remember important events like birthdays or childhood memories, this kind of memory loss can make it tough to do everyday tasks. In addition to memory issues, brain injuries can lead to other effects, such as:

  • Decreased Muscle Control, Paralysis, or Weakness
  • Seizures
  • Sensory Losses
  • Difficulty Speaking or Swallowing
  • Loss of Motor Control or Weakness of One Arm or Leg
  • Loss of Functioning on One Side of the Body (Hemiparesis)
  • Loss of Ability to Plan Movements of Arms or Legs
  • Poor Coordination
  • Changes in Intellectual Functioning
  • Personality Changes
  • Mood Swings and Emotions
  • Decreased Balance and Endurance
  • Poor or Little Sleep
  • Depression
  • Difficulty Paying Attention

What To Do Following An Accident-Related Brain Injury?

Suffering a brain injury due to an accident can be a life-altering experience. It’s essential to know what steps to take to protect your rights and well-being during this challenging time. Below are the critical actions to consider following an accident-related brain injury.

  • Seek Immediate Medical Attention

After a brain injury, promptly seek medical attention to assess and document its severity, as even seemingly mild injuries may have hidden damage. Delaying care can worsen the injury and complicate potential legal claims.

  • Follow Medical Advice and Treatment

Adhere closely to your health care provider’s advice and treatment plan after a brain injury, as ongoing care and therapy are often necessary. Following the plan not only supports your recovery but also creates a documented record of efforts that can be valuable in legal proceedings.

  • Document Everything

For a brain injury from an accident, maintain precise documentation of medical appointments, treatments, and expenses, including bills and out-of-pocket costs. Keep a journal noting symptoms and their impact on daily life, as this documentation can be crucial evidence if legal action is pursued.

  • Contact a Personal Injury Attorney

If your brain injury resulted from someone else’s negligence, it’s advisable to consult with our trusted Ohio brain injury attorney. We can assess your case, provide legal guidance, and help you pursue compensation for your injuries.

We will investigate the circumstances of your accident, gather evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. Having legal representation can significantly improve your chances of obtaining a fair settlement.

  • Prioritize Your Well-being

Throughout the legal process, it’s essential to prioritize your well-being and recovery. Brain injuries can have long-term physical and cognitive effects, and it’s crucial to follow your medical treatment plan and therapy recommendations.

Additionally, seek emotional support from friends, family, or support groups to cope with the emotional toll of a brain injury.

What Is Ohio’s Statute Of Limitations For Brain Injury Claims?

In Ohio, according to Section 2305.10 of the Revised Code, you typically have a period of two years to initiate a lawsuit for your injury in civil court. This time limit usually starts running either from the day of your accident or when you first become aware of your injury.

However, there’s a different scenario if you’re pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit. While you still have a two-year window to bring your lawsuit under Ohio Revised Code Section 2125.02, the starting point for this deadline is the date when your loved one passed away.

How Can I Establish Negligence For My Brain Injury Claim?

When pursuing a brain injury claim, it’s crucial to establish that another party’s negligence was the cause of your injury. Negligence is a legal concept that outlines a person’s or entity’s failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another person. To succeed in your brain injury claim, you must prove several key elements.

Duty Of Care

The first element of negligence is establishing that the defendant owed you a duty of care. This duty is a legal obligation to act reasonably and prudently to avoid causing harm to others.

For example, a driver has a duty of care to operate their vehicle safely and follow traffic laws to prevent accidents.

Breach Of Duty

Once you establish the existence of a duty of care, the next step is to demonstrate that the defendant breached that duty. In other words, you must show that the defendant failed to exercise the level of care that a reasonable person would under similar circumstances.

For instance, if a property owner did not address a known hazard on their premises that led to your slip and fall brain injury, they may be considered to have breached their duty of care.


Proving causation is a critical element in a brain injury claim. You must establish that the defendant’s breach of duty was the direct cause of your injury. This means showing a clear connection between the defendant’s negligent actions or inactions and the harm you suffered. Medical records and expert testimony can be instrumental in establishing causation.


To have a valid brain injury claim, you must have suffered actual damages. Damages refer to the losses and harm you experienced due to the brain injury. These can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future rehabilitation costs.

Documenting your damages and keeping records of all related expenses is essential to your claim.

What Compensation Can I Get From My Brain Injury Claim In Ohio?

While it’s not a guarantee, this severe injury can result in long-lasting, permanent, or even fatal consequences. This often leads to substantial costs for medical care, funeral expenses, and a greater likelihood of income loss.

It’s important to remember that you or your loved one shouldn’t have had to endure this injury because of someone else’s carelessness, and you have the right to seek compensation for this wrongdoing. Compensation for your injury may include:

Economic Damages

Economic damages pertain to provable financial losses that the injured person experienced due to their injuries. This includes payment for:

  • All Related Medical Bills and Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Loss of Employment or Future Earning Capacity
  • Property Damage

Noneconomic Damages

While economic damages can be calculated precisely, non-economic damages are more based on personal experiences and feelings. This means they are intended to provide compensation for things that can’t be measured in dollars, such as:

  • Pain and Suffering
  • Mental Distress
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Reduced Quality of Life

If a loved one loses their life due to an injury, the surviving spouse or dependents can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit. This legal action aims to obtain compensation for the emotional loss of companionship, financial support, and funeral costs.

Even if the full extent of the harm isn’t clear yet, it’s a good idea to reach out to our Ohio brain injury lawyer. We can start the legal process promptly and take the necessary steps to seek compensation.

Why Do I Need An Ohio Brain Injury Attorney?

When you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury because of someone else’s careless actions, the best course of action is to reach out to our trusted Ohio brain injury attorney. Brain injury cases are often significant, and without the guidance of a legal professional, you may risk losing the opportunity to receive fair compensation for your losses.

At Karp Steiger, to handle your case, our legal team will:

  • Examine the reasons behind your accident and pinpoint all accountable individuals or entities.
  • Gather your medical records and accident reports.
  • Aid you in obtaining the necessary medical care.
  • Manage discussions with insurance companies.
  • Get in touch with medical specialists who can illustrate your injuries and financial hardships.
  • Secure witnesses who can provide testimony in your favor.
  • Engage in negotiations with the other parties involved to achieve a just settlement.
  • Advocate vigorously on your behalf, both inside and outside the courtroom.

Let our brain injury attorney manage the legal aspects, allowing you to prioritize your recovery. Seeking professional help ensures you can concentrate on your health while the legal process is in capable hands. Schedule a risk-free consultation with us now!

Seeking Just Compensation For Brain Injuries In Ohio

Brain injuries can have far-reaching consequences, impacting your health, finances, and overall quality of life. At Karp Steiger, our knowledgeable Ohio brain injury attorney is dedicated to helping individuals in Ohio navigate the complexities of brain injury claims.

Our trusted team of personal injury lawyers understands the challenges you may face, and we are committed to providing you with the legal support and guidance you need. We have a proven track record of assisting clients in obtaining fair settlements and justice for their injuries.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today for a free consultation and let us help you on the path to recovery. We can also represent you in sex abuse, FELA claims, highway accidents, and railroad accident claims. Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to fight for your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.